Thursday, January 15, 2009


SIM Conference was definitely a highlight of the year, maybe even up there with South Africa. Every morning us teens would wake up at about 8:00 in the morning to eat a breakfast consisting of cereal, breakfast meats, and usually pancakes (which is quite a treat if you have lived here awhile). My friend Jordan and I would then take off to the chapel to go rehearse worship songs for the morning worship service. At the service we would play the songs and then all of the high school and middle school kids would leave to go have our own youth group. We would start off with a short game to have some fun and then we would watch a Rob Bell video. After the video finished we broke up into groups to discuss what was in the video. By the time we were done it was time for lunch so we would all head over and eat in our own area away from the adults. There were no plans for us after lunch so we could do whatever we wanted. Usually there was a hiking group going somewhere, people wanting to play ultimate frisbee, or airsoft wars to be had. On the last evening we had a Talent Show. Most of the acts were skits and there were some musical ones including me, Jordan, Ryan, and Caroline throwing a band together and playing Forgiven by Relient K. Our act would have pretty good had the mixing been better. Caroline was on guitar and it didn’t turn on until halfway through the song giving us a little bit of a shock. Overall Conference was really great, I was sad that it was over so soon.

Sterling (16)

1 comment:

Kim and Kris said...

Thank you for your email a couple of weeks ago...sorry I didn't respond right away. Lily and I both caught a really horrible cold virus that has had us feeling nasty until just a couple of days ago. I finally feel like I can start catching up...and putting Christmas decorations away! I have been reading your blog religiously and so enjoy hearing about the entire families adventures. I am sure this year will change you for the rest of your life. You are giving your children a HUGE gift. We can't wait to have you all back though...Christmas at Kristina's seemed weird without all of you!
Love to all, Kim