Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Better Than an Apple

It's getting closer to the end of the semester at JETS; I have only 3 more classes to go. There is so much more I want to cover with my students, and there is so little time. I am going to miss them very much! My prayers are already going out on their behalf for next year; I am confident that the Lord will provide for their needs.

In all the years I taught secondary math, I never received the thank yous that these students have lavished upon me regularly and as of late. In the U.S., I would get a few Hallmark cards hurriedly signed with a name only, plates of cookies here and there, and even an apple a few times (which, once upon a time, was the gift that you brought teachers.) I have recently discovered a teacher gift unique to the Nigerian culture (I suppose it could be unique elsewhere, but I haven't been there to know.)

I was actually quite puzzled why students suddenly began to insist that they have their picture taken with me. Actually, there were so many pictures taken a couple of class days in a row that I was late to my appointment afterwards!

Then a few days later, the puzzle was answered . . .pictures started pouring in back to me. White envelope after white envelope with pictures inside of them, each hand delivered by the person pictured with me. Each picture presented with a smile and a thank you. Some pictures even had handwritten notes on the back. I know these pictures took money and forethought to present. What a lovely custom! Nigerians know how to express their appreciation and take the time to do it. I will treasure these pictures always! More than that, I will treasure the memories that I have made with these students.

I believe these men and women are the future of Nigeria. They struggle for an education and better ways that we take so for granted in America. I feel privileged to be used by God to help them in their struggle.


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