Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Back from Miango to a quiet Jos

Jos has been very quiet over the past week. We consider it answered prayer. Despite the many rumors and arrests, no major incidents have occurred. The Muslim holiday, Sallah, passed without a hitch. We returned from Miango today, driving through many military road blocks. Everyone at the hospital seems happy and relaxed as well. The city-wide curfew has been eased, now 7 pm to 6 am.
We made the best of our time away. We went on three different hikes. Kids watched movies, played ultimate Frisbee, basketball, and volleyball. Emily is now adept at the game Settlers of Catan, the local favorite board game. Lisa played trumpet. Most relaxing to Lisa is that she did not have to plan or prepare meals at all.
We would have much rather been busy with our normal activities, and waited for our planned vacation that is coming up. Unfortunately we did not have a choice. I think we are all in better spirits though and we appreciate our relatively nice home in Jos even more.
For one week, very little has gone on in the ENT department. However, today, I returned to a busy clinic and three patients needing surgery in the next 24 hours. Others were scheduled for surgery next month.
School starts up again tomorrow. The kids will mostly be reviewing for the semester final exams next week. School is then out for four weeks.
Refugees in Miango Rest Home dining hall

Michael Mitchell, MD

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Steve said...
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