Wednesday, December 17, 2008

First Tooth, First Step, First Hair Plaiting

This is one first as a mother that I never even imagined! I thought you’d enjoy seeing a picture of Emily gone Nigerian. My baby’s first hair plaiting! This process is not for the faint of heart: a trip to the market to buy hair extensions, and about 5 hours of sitting still while the extensions are put in. No washing your hair until you take them out. I give Emily about one week before she can’t stand it anymore. Also pictured is Emily’s friend Nanfe who earned a little pocket money in the process.

Nigerians take great personal pride and care in their appearance. Extra money is spent for nice clothing and nice looking hair. Nigerians always look neat and clean and have a personal cell phone no matter how basic their other living conditions. Americans could learn a few lessons from Nigerians in this regard! Only your finest clothes for church and no shorts except for actual sports activities.

I thought you would also enjoy seeing Michael, Emily, and me in our Nigerian clothing. We went to our first Christmas party for staff at Evangel Hospital on Wednesday , December 17th. I'm afraid with balmy air and mosquitoes buzzing around that it doesn't feel much like Christmas. For our potluck we had such delicacies as vegetable soup (Southern greens), egusi soup with fish (greens with ground-up melon seeds), groundnut stew (greens with ground-up peanuts), draw soup (greens with ground-up okra) . . .get the idea that greens are a staple here? . . fried chicken, watermelon, pineapple, a few American desserts compliments of some of the missionaries. Oh yeah, and for filler, a ball of starch . . .your choice of a ball of wheat mush (semo-vita), a ball of rice mush (tuwon shinkafa) or a ball of yam mush (pounded yam.)

Are you hungry now?

Merry Christmas!


Missionary Mary said...

Love the hair! Thank you for being so faithful with your blogging. It is good to know how to pray for you and to see what fun and interesting things you are up to. I pray you all have a blessed Christmas time and a wonderful New Year.

Shannon said...

Emily, you look great. Tell your hairstylist hi for me :) and love to the rest of the fam too.

Steve said...

The hair looks great! We are praying for you guys!