Thursday, April 2, 2009

Women's Sport? I Think Not...

Yesterday, Hannah and Dad convinced me to participate in this season’s sport, volleyball. Yesterday was also the first practice of the season. About eighteen boys showed up for tryouts although the tryouts may not even be tryouts after all. At this point we are not sure if we are going to have two teams or not. Coach wants to split up into two teams but at this point we do not have a coach for the second team. The season will be very short and due to various school activities we will be limited to only twelve practices the whole season. We have about the same number of matches to make up for it though.
Sterling (16)

1 comment:

rjdayne said...

Hi Mitchell Family. George and I are in LA visiting Josh and Rachael. Thought we'd check in. Matt is doing a series on Romans. Significant Supper is next week. Too bad you missed the snow, I've saved pictures for you when you get back.
Julie & George Hanke