Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Final Friday Night Potulck

Last Friday night we had our final SIM potluck at the Fretheim’s house. The whole experience was quite special because it was the last potluck that we Mitchells and the Taits would be attending. After eating the delicious food that was provided by the different families around Jos we had a short worship time. Being the only drummer around I played bongo for the worship songs while the Sampsons sang and played guitar and keyboard. Then came the farewell testimonies and skits for the Taits. We have not known them for long but we have known them long enough to know that the amazing things people were saying about them were all true. Next came the prayer, we split off into groups of 2-3 to pray for the Taits, us, and other people that needed praying for. After a few minutes of small group prayer we all came together and prayed as a whole. Hearing the things prayed about for us was encouraging and touching. It is extremely encouraging to know that even though we have only been a part of the Jos mission community for a year we have people thinking about us and praying for us. The Friday night potlucks are just one of the things that we will miss most about Nigeria.

Sterling (16)

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