Sunday, September 28, 2008

A familiar sight on the streets of Jos

I spend a lot of time in the car with Alphonsus every day. We see some pretty unusual sights as we are driving around. Attached is one of my favorites that I see quite regularly. I still can't figure out how they get the bulls into the back end of a pickup truck. This is a familiar sight since the road to the school also happens to be the road to the butchers!

Nigerians are pretty fussy about having their picture taken. You must ask if you can "snap" them. They may or may not let you. I took the liberty of taking this picture since the guy's back was turned. The bull had too many other things on his mind.

You can also see large mattresses balancing on the heads of the driver and passenger of the achabas (motorcycle taxis), goats (dead or alive), families of four, and even a large office desk. Our furniture that we ordered was delivered this way!

Car rides offer some daily entertainment. They also offer some time for serious conversations. My driver asked me just this week out of the blue how you could know for sure if you are a Christian. It was a great privilege to talk with him and remind him of the great gift of salvation we are given in Christ and God's forgiveness even when we are disobedient. Alphonsus is really growing in his faith and his understanding of the Lord. What a joy to have these moments!


1 comment:

Steve said...

Lisa, I'm excited about the terrific opportunities God is giving you to share, serve, and have such adventures! Jackie and I are praying for you! -Steve