Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wee Sachets of Porridge

Since we’ve been here we’ve enjoyed spending time with the medical students who are working at Evangel. We have particularly had fun with the Irish medical students, Gemma and Gary. They are pretty funny, especially Gary. I had always thought that the weird sayings you hear people say when they imitate Irish people were just stereotypes, but they’re TRUE. Gemma and Gary would both use the word “wee” all the time. Our favorite was when Gary talks about his “wee sachets of porridge” which are really just instant Quaker Oat packages. At our going away dinner for Gemma, Gary got it in his mind for me to teach him how to solve a Rubik’s cube. So I sat there for about an hour just attempting to teach him how to solve this cube. Well… maybe not for the whole hour. I spent a lot of time making fun of him. I thought guys had better spatial skills than girls but I guess Gary is an exception. As far as Gemma, she is really cool. One time when she and the other med students came over, we got to talking about Ireland and stuff. I actually found out a lot. I’m in the process of convincing my parents to let us go there for our family vacation on the way back from Nigeria. That would be exciting. Plus, the accent is so cute.
Hannah (17)

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